Archive for the “Spiritual Life” Category
Tweet One of the highlights of Yosemite, is seeing the reflection of towering granite cliffs in the water of the valley. In fact, one of the lakes in Yosemite earned the name “Mirror Lake” due to the beautiful reflections upon it’s surface. While not technically a lake, visitors enjoy seeing in its smooth surface the […]
Tweet Last Sunday, our pastor continued a series called Satisfied. He shared some amazing statistics about Americans and their cell phones: 66% of Americans feel anxious if they are separated from their device. 58% do not miss one waking hour without checking their smart phone. 59% of Americans check email as soon as comes in. […]
Tweet You just have to see this in person!(Click on any image to view larger.) Have you ever wanted to UNPLUG from the hectic busy pace of ministry life? That is the entire point of Yosemite Summit. It is a week where you are unplugged in every sense of the word. No computer, no e-mail, […]
Tweet As you hike around Yosemite, you will often see small piles of rocks, called cairns, stacked by hikers that have passed that way before you. Their intent is to mark the trail. Yes, at times visitors to Yosemite can get carried away and build too many of them, even on clearly marked trails (and […]
Tweet As you hike around Yosemite, especially in the highly trafficked areas of the Valley, you will often see areas closed off with a sign that says, “AREA CLOSED – Restoration In Progress.” Aceites pelo fabricante do medicamento, é necessário um aval médico a indicar que aquela pessoa pode tomar determinado tipo de medicamento. As […]
Tweet To Senior Pastors, You may be wondering why should you allow your children’s pastor to go on this “un”-conference – when for the same funds you could send them to some other conference without the “un” in front of it? Why should you grant a staff member the time and the limited resources to […]
Tweet The Three Brothers It tells me something when I have three Summiteers returning in 2011 to the fourth Yosemite Summit, some for the third time. It tells me they can’t get enough of that amazing place. It tells me they know there is just something about connecting with God there at the heights, in […]
Tweet Don’t miss the video at the end of this post! I’m still feeling the effects of Yosemite Summit 2009. It is difficult to describe this event to someone who has not gone; it is truly a wonderful trip on so many fronts. But it is my prayer that some descriptions, some pictures, quotes from […]
Tweet A while back I found the articles linked below on and they were exactly what I needed at the time. I have since shared them with many men and I offer them here, not as something I think you might need, but as something I NEEDED that you just might too. I recommend […]