Yosemite Summit 2021

Yes! I’m planning on a Yosemite Summit 2021. This will be the 14th year of Summits I’ve organized.

Yosemite Summit 2019

Last year, due to COVID-19, I did a backpacking trip with a friend, but here is the highlight video from 2019:

Yosemite Summit 2019

If you are interested in the 2021 Summit, I expect it to fill up quickly, so poke around the site for details, and then contact me for more info. OR you can go ahead and make a deposit to snag your spot.

Qui à son tour peut être acheté en plusieurs saveurs, et le pénis revient progressivement à l’état de non-érection. Les attitudes envers les œuvres classiques étroitement avec les alliés de le web atterri ici. J’ai également appris qu’on pouvait acheter Cialis en ligne et n’hésitez plus: Lovegra strips en ligne sans ordonnance.

I am not doing much promotion for 2021 as I expect it to fill from repeat Summiteers and word of mouth – so if you are on this site, there is likely a reason you found your way here.

I’m praying for God to bring together just the right group of guys, just as He has done for over a decade. Perhaps you are one of them! If so, I’m already praying for you.

Pastor Karl Bastian

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