Yosemite Summit 2014 Report
One of the best decisions I ever made in life was to start Yosemite Summit. I can still remember how nervous I was the first year – it was an incredible step of faith to put money down on a lodge not knowing if any guys would even sign up. I’ve now completed seven Summits.
Each year God brings together a completely different group of men – sovereignly gathered by God for a week of unplugging from the busyness of ministry to reconnect with God in an incredible way.
What are the benefits of Yosemite Summit that these men benefit from? Let me share a few with you… (click on any image to view larger)
They get to spend time strengthening their foundation by spending quality time with the Rock.
They gain a new objectivity on their life and walk with God.
They learn to see God in nature in new and creative ways.
They learn to enjoy the journey over the destination.
They gain a heightened perspective on life.
(Can you see him there?)
They learn that even when you can’t see God at work… He is still there.
Sometimes it’s just behind a layer of clouds.
If you are patient… in time what was hidden will be revealed!
They discover there is nothing that God can’t find a way through…
They get time in the Word without their cell phone or anything else interrupting.
God’s majesty is seen in the midst of life’s storms.
They might even get to spend some time with their head in the clouds!
Or walk along the River of Life?
Or be reminded that though their sin be as scarlet, it shall be white as snow!
They are reminded how to stop. And just be in the moment.
A new viewpoint on their life back home becomes clear.
New friendships are formed that will last a life time.
The words Church and Sanctuary take on completely new meaning.
If you are a man in full time Christian ministry, may I invite you again to prayerfully consider joining me at Yosemite Summit? Get off the beaten path and soak in a week of no schedule, no deadlines, no interruptions, no demands on your time, no backlog of things you are behind on… and just leave it all behind for a week focused solely on your walk with God with some brothers who know your journey, because they share in your Call.
Enjoy this highlight video from Yosemite Summit 2014. Who knows, maybe you’ll be in the 2015 videos.
To learn more, visit the past years reports, watch the videos, browse the blog for many posts about the Summit or just e-mail karl@yosemitesummit.org
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