Yosemite Summit 2020 is LIVE!
I’m so late getting YS2020 live! But I don’t need to whine about how busy kids ministry, those who join me on the Summit, know all about that! But it is why I’m behind in getting the next one booked and live for registration. ONLY SIX guys can join me for this epic week, if that’s you, register ASAP!
I still haven’t even made the highlight video yet! (See previous years) But I did whip one out when I got home to show the kids at my church. So, it’s a little more of me than I usually include and less of the other guys, but I hope to make another one before YS2020 arrives. But you can still get a great idea of what an AMAZING YEAR 2019 was on the Summit!
NEW DATES for 2020!
The past few years late snow melt has prevented some of the hiking locations I love along Tioga Road and Glacier Point Road, so I bumped the Summit out two weeks from the usual spot of the week before Memorial Day to the week after.
May 31st to June 4th, 2020
(Travel on the 30th and 5th)
I’m already praying about who God will bring on the 2020 Summit!
Here are the links you need to learn about about it, then REGISTER SOON!
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