All For One and One For All

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This is one of my favorite pictures from Yosemite Summit. We were at the top of Nevada Falls overlooking a vast vista to the valley below as the sun was setting and marveling at how big our shadows were when i got the idea for this photo. The Three Musketeers! What was their motto? “All For One! And One for All!” Of course, they lived to protect the king – but we live to worship and serve the King of Kings!

Yosemite Summit is about spending some time just getting to enjoy some time in the Realm of the King enjoying the Fellowship of the King with some fellow knights! We still have a one opening left… let me share with you a comment just left on this website on another post:

Ahhhh, Yosemite Summit! Truthfully, I didn’t realize what I signed up for when I sent in my deposit a year ago. I was on the YS 2010 team. It was the greatest spiritual renewal event I have ever experienced. So many moments of that event truly helped transform me and my spiritual life. My life is not the same as it was before attending YS 2010. Let me tell you three things to encourage you to take that last spot:

1. Acceptance…the guys greeted me with open arms and warm hearts.

2. Honesty…be prepared to hear hearts open and be prepared to open your heart. (it is amazing how easy it was to open up in a room filled with new friends).

3. Theophany…YS 2010 was my burning bush experience. I heard God, I saw Him, I felt Him, I experienced God in a way I had never experienced HIM before. Expect to owe Karl a HUGE thank-you for the rest of your life. THANK YOU!


I have shared on this site in many places, and one on one with many guys how my life has been transformed dramatically in past five years, and how Yosemite Summit is a significant part of that change… and how there is really no way to explain the reasons – you just need to come.

There is one spot left. I invite you to take that step of faith, and join me and the other guys.

You’ll join Duane in being glad you did.


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