Stayin' Alive

For all the wives out there who are hesitant to send their husbands to Yosemite Summit because you fear for the safety of your husband if he is alone with a bunch of other guys in the wilderness – I have some good news for you! I just picked up the following book:

Granted, I haven’t read it, and probably won’t have time to – but I plan to bring it along and keep it in my backpack “just in case” So now worries!

Seriously, however, I do get some e-mails from guys whe mention their wives hesitancy with this retret due to the high cliffs and drop offs at Yosemite. My wife had the same concern when I first suggested doing this retreat alone. Going with a group of guys was her requirement, and as I prayed about it, Yosemite Summit was born! But let me assure you Yosemite is a very safe place. We stick to the trails and they are very clear and safe.

There are deaths at Yosemite, but in each case they involve people doing foolish things and often drinking was involved.

Millions of visitors visit Yosemite every year and have a fun and safe time by applying common sense and following the rules.

My wife asked me to encourage the guys to make sure I didn’t do anything crazy for a picture, and soon they were heard saying, “WWSS?” (What Would Sara Say?) We all came home safely without even a remotely close call. (We took the picture above as a joke for her… don’t worry, it was perfectly safe!)

I can’t even begin to describe what the hiking in Yosemite is like. You will pass through warm areas on bald rock and then through wooded areas where the snow is 2-3 feet thick and the towering trees make it almost like you are walking through a tunnel. You will hear water falls in the distance and other times be walking through the mist listening to the deafening thunder of tons of water falling hundreds of feet and crashing on rocks. You’ll see view after view after view that rivals the one just before it.

If you are even remotely considering coming to Yosemite Summit – don’t miss out on what could be a once in a life time experience! It is such an amazing place, and we promise to be safe wives!

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