Sigh of Relief…

I have had the opportunity to be part of Children’s Pastors Conference in Nashville, Tennessee this week.  As I have attended workshops, wandered through the Exhibit Hall, greeted old friends and introduced myself to new friends, I am reminded that I am not alone in this huge undertaking we call Children’s Ministry.  As I type this, I sit in a room surrounded by over a thousand other people who share my passion for teaching kids about Jesus…did you hear that???  It was my sigh of relief.  What a blessing it is to know that I am not alone in this journey.

As I spend the next few months continuing to prepare for Unbridled, I want you to know that I am praying for each of the women who will attend.  I am praying that you will feel the same hope and refreshment that I have received from this event in the past.  The relationships that I have built through the Unbridled Retreat are priceless.  To bond with other women who share my passions is a priceless gift.  So, as I continue to prepare, my hope is that you will join me in prayer.  Ask the Lord if this is an event that you need to be part of.  My hope and my prayer is that you will receive the same hope and encouragement I have from the simple pleasure of spending time with other women of shared passions, like callings and love for the Lord.

Ridin’ with Jesus by my side,


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