Archive for February, 2011

A Little Girl Dream…

Thursday, February 24th, 2011

Kim & Nick BobbIf you are a woman, you know exactly what I mean.  At some point in your childhood, you probably shared one of these two dreams with me.

  1. Meeting your Prince Charming, falling madly in love, and being his princess.  I like to call this childhood dream ‘Happily Ever After’.
  2. Having your very own pony or horse to brush and play with and ride off into the sunset.  I call this one the ‘Cowgirl Dream’.

While I am blessed as an adult to have had both of my little girl dreams come true I can still remember sitting in my bedroom as a kid daydreaming out the window about what the man I would marry would be like, how he would smile when I would enter the room and how the mere gaze of his eyes would make me melt like butter.  I remember wondering what he would look like or smell like.  Wondering what he would like to do, etc.  As an adult, I am blessed with an amazing husband who still does make me melt like butter when he affords me his gaze, but it is the other ‘Little Girl Dream’ that I really wanted to discuss.

See, you might call me crazy but the Cowgirl Dream chased me right into adulthood.  Many girls go through phases and I am sure that my parents hoped I would as well.  Even after graduating from college I would find myself daydreaming of riding the horses I would see in the fields on my way to work.  I had the bug in a big way.

As a Children’s Pastor, I often find myself doing things I never thought I would try…at least not while in a sane state of mind.  I have jumped off cliffs and into lakes; I have wallowed in a giant slime pit and taken a headfirst dive down the slip n’ slide; I have even locked myself in an old firehouse with 200 plus preteens and stayed up all night.  I have done all of these crazy things for the sake of teaching kids about Jesus.  I am sure you have your own insane stories about things you have done for the sake of the kids in your ministries.

My question to you is this: When was the last time you did something just for you? If you read that question and you don’t know, then I would like to share with you an amazing opportunity to take some time out and join us for Unbridled 2011.  It is every little girl’s dream come true.  A real ranch with well trained horses, awesome times with other women who share the same passions and struggles that you do, and a great time of fun and refreshing that will send you home ready to hit the ground running.

You see, my Cowgirl Dream was made a reality in my own life when my Prince Charming saw a need for me, as a woman and a leader, to have something that was just for me.  So I started riding horses like I had dreamt of since I was a little girl.  Riding has brought me peace, laughter, friendship and the realization that there is a reason that I dreamt of riding when I was younger.  Because it is amazing.  If you want more info on Unbridled and how you can be part of this year’s retreat, contact me directly.  I would love to help make your dream come true!

From the Saddle,
