Archive for March, 2010

69 Days and Counting…

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

Springtime is upon us in the Midwest!  The snow is melting away to reveal the bright green buds of springtime flowers.  Everything is wet, saturated from the months of melting snow but my heart rejoices because the green grass is poking through and that means we are one step closer to Unbridled.  After experiencing such an amazing time of refreshment last year, I simply cannot wait for this retreat to get here this year!  69 days…that’s right, I am counting!  69 days until I am surrounded by the pristine beauty of the country, amazing horses and women who share like passions with myself.  I am excited!

My hope for you, as you sit at your computer and read this, is that you won’t putt off the nagging feeling that this is something you should attend.  My hope is that you would go straight to the website: read more about it and register!  You won’t regret it!  I know I didn’t.  We have some great things planned and I can’t wait for you to be part of them!

See you at the Ranch,

Kim Bobb