Archive for October, 2009

It’s Fall in Ohio…

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

Well, it is fall in Ohio and I love it.  The leaves are a rainbow of colors, the sky is clear and the air is cool.  It is my favorite time of year to throw a saddle onto Stomp’s back and treck out into the woods for a trail ride.  In the woods all of my burdens melt away.  All of the crazy stress of ministry, all of the phone calls I have to return, all of the mental sticky notes, they’re gone…all I can hear is the rhythmic plodding of Stomp’s feet as he tromps through the fallen leaves.  This is MY time.  My time of peace, of relaxation, and of rejuvenation.

Being a Children’s Pastor is a tough job.   We see kids and families at their best and at their worst.  We deal with curriculum, props, toys and volunteers.  Our days are filled with planning, meetings, creativity and wiping little noses. Being a Children’s Pastor requires you to be flexible both physically and mentally.  You have to be on top of things all the time.  We are usually people who are creative, fun loving, and have a tough time saying no.

This being said, a few years ago I found myself overworked and exhausted.  I was emotionally drained, spiritually empty and physically tired.  Then I started to ride. I started out small.  Once a week I took a riding lesson at 3P Ranch.  Then, as the years went on, I rode more and more.  Soon, I found myself to be the proud owner of a fine steed.

I discovered when I took a little time out for me, I didn’t feel quite so exhausted the next day…I also learned that I could praise God from the saddle for His amazing creation.  Riding at 3P Ranch became my time of quiet worship, my time to pray and my peace in the insanity of ministry.  It became my refuge in times of turmoil. From this need in my own life, Unbridled was born.  Now it is my pleasure to share with you the wonderful peace and quite of a place that has become my refuge, 3P Ranch.  Please pray seriously about joining us for the 2nd Annual Unbridled Retreat as we, women who serve and love kids, pack up and head out to 3P Ranch for a time of renewal and rejuvenation.  I hope to see you there!!

From the saddle,

Kim Bobb