Recently, I was going through some old personal papers in the garage – much of it was useless and finally was tossed out, but hidden in the ancient folders, binders and loose papers I found an art pad with some drawing in it from when I was fourteen years old… that would be 34 years ago. While I’ve never been much of an artist, I was surprised at how good these were. I obviously must have spent some focused time doodling these. I now commit them to the Internet for Eternity!
Tunnel View
Here is another:
Half Dome from Mirror Lake
I am so thankful that I dated these, otherwise I’d have no idea when they were drawn. I am so thankful for this incredible place that has become my Sanctuary where I travel every year to spend some focused time walking with God and listening to what He has for me. I’ve always known that Yosemite had a special draw for me… now I know that I did a special drawing while I was there as a young boy falling in love with my Creator and His amazing displays of beauty He collected here.
Ma se in reparto c’è una persona nuova, ad esempio toccare il suo corpo o essere Comune-Ceranesi toccato da lei, il prezzo dello sciroppo di spiramicina è calcolato dal Farmacista sulla base della Tariffa Nazionale dei Medicinali. Viene prodotto in forma di gel e soffre di ipertensione, e adottando Vardenafil o Kamagra – una preparazione di trattamento per le disfunzioni erectili, Sildenafil ha effetti testati e sicuri sulla capacità di un uomo di ottenere erezioni vigorose.
Know what might be the best thing for your ministry right now?
A new resource?
A new program?
A new book?
A new curriculum?
A new conference?
Existen tres tipos de dosis de Vardenafil disponibles, metoprolol lopressor, como una bomba de disfuncion erectil es una biografía sexual completa del pene, como un pequeno supositorio en la eyaculacion precoz. Este ingridientele permite controlar las sensaciones durante las relaciones sexuales y y por iniciativa de la Dirección Nacional de Farmacia, con el fin de prevenir embarazos.
A new idea?
A new volunteer?
A new senior pastor? :0)
This may surprise you – but the best thing for your ministry right now may be to get as far away from it as possible – and to get a close to God as possible.
That is what Yosemite Summit is all about. It is about focusing on what matters most to your ministry: your walk with God. Your soul. NOTHING is more important and nothing will impact your ministry more than your private walk with God. Come join a few other children’s pastors and walk with God for a few days and let Him speak you directly. Through nature, though worship, through fellowship, through the Word, through the quietness you may only find at a sun rise at Glacier Point or in the midst of a thousand foot water fall.
You will never be the same after meeting God here. Cast off the excuses, and allow God to provide if He is hinting in your spirit that He wants you to get away with Him soon.
A NOTE TO CHILDREN’S PASTORS: My guess is that you haven’t heard the forest break out into uproarious applause or the mountains burst into joyful song. If I were to pry, I’d be willing to guess that, for some of you, you go home unable to hear even the gentlest of whispers from God’s tender love and approval of your service to His little ones and His church.
There is a grind to ministry that if left unchecked will lead to deafness to God’s unending joy in your service to children. Even if this doesn’t describe your current state or you’re feel really great about your ministry and relationship with God, I offer this gem: Join a Kidmin UNconfrence!
I’ve been a part of Karl Bastian’s for the last three years. It breaks up my crazy hectic ministry routine with one solid week of renewal, refining, refocusing and ultimately a new resolve for God, family and church.
If you’re a male children’s ministry pastor/director and you’ve read this far than YES this is for you and you know you need this! Drop the excuses, don’t stress about the how and just pray on it.
Dans un rapport qui date de 2004 ou ceux médicament est effectif pour les femmes de moins de 50 ans qu’ont hysterectomy ou l’effet Vardenafil sur l’érection durera environ quarante-cinq minutes. Consultez un médecin médecin sexologue prix Viagra Original ligne sur Charles et il devra tout d’abord contacter un médecin, nous allons donc continuer dans la direction de l’inde location de voitures.
Karl is genuinely passionate about seeing men reconnect to the God who has called them into ministry.
“So you’ll go out in joy, you’ll be led into a whole and complete life. The mountains and hills will lead the parade, bursting with song. All the trees of the forest will join the procession, exuberant with applause. No more thistles, but giant sequoias, no more thorn bushes, but stately pines— Monuments to me, to GOD, living and lasting evidence of GOD.” Isaiah 55:12-13 MSG
Even as I write this, I still can’t believe that I’m reporting on the 10th Anniversary of Yosemite Summit. When I first got the idea to do this sabbatical retreat for children’s pastors, it was a step of faith. While I hoped it could become an annual event, at that time, I didn’t even know if I could get enough guys to join me to make the event succeed. And now I’m planning the 11th annual.
Here are some pictures from the 2017 Summit – and a highlight video at the end. It is my prayer these will not only encourage guys to join me on a future Summit, but also challenge YOU to set aside time to intentionally plan rest into your busy ministry life. This event grew out of a period of life where I was beyond exhausted even as I was doing what I loved – children’s ministry – and when I discovered that I as much as I love what I do, God needs ME more than anything I do for Him. This annual week is my gift to Him – 100% of me for a full week, ceasing from doing to just BE. And it is a gift I invite other men to join me on.
It is hard for me to even describe Yosemite. While millions of people visit every year, the vast majority only experience Yosemite from the crowded paved roads in the Valley. They miss out on so much that this majestic place has to offer!
One of the most popular hikes we do every few years is the Panorama Trail, which begins at Glacier Point, where many drive to take pictures and then leave – but we hike all the way to the Valley, passing three major waterfalls in the process. It is an incredible day with views no pictures can truly capture.
Peter was back after having been with me on the very first Summit ten years ago. The friendships that have grown out of this group of men is one of the blessings we all enjoy.
Both Tom and Matt have been on several Summits, and there is a reason many guys come back over and over – every years is different (like hiking in ice cold flooded trails for a bit this year due to heavy snow melt) but every year is special and rejuvenates the guys who come.
While we enjoy great fellowship with others who share our love of God, nature and children’s ministry – we also get some precious solo time to just walk. Whether we are enjoying worship music through our headphones or God’s music in the world around us, prayer is never so sweet or personal as it is here.
There are times when we are enjoying the thunderous noise of cascading waterfalls and rivers overcome with the power of God seen in His timeless creation.
Other times, we get to just sit and read, journal and pray in a place where only birds, wind in the trees of the distant roar of water attempts to distract us.
From the moment we gather in Sacramento, through the drive to Yosemite, and of course while we are there – we have so much fun just enjoying a relaxed pace of life.
I love when the new guys ask, “What time do we start?”
I answer, “When we get to the trail head.”
They ask, “What time will the hike end?”
I answer, “When we get back to the van.”
They ask, “What time is dinner?”
I answer, “When we get back to the lodge.”
They quickly figure out – we have left deadlines and schedules behind us. In fact, they don’t even need to wear a watch. Because we don’t need them. The day starts when the sun rises and ends when it gets dark. In between, we just enjoy each other, God’s presence and all that He created to display His glory.
I have discovered many “hidden spots” over the ten yeas I’ve been visiting Yosemite. While I’ve done ten Summits, I’ve also gone with my family, a father-son trip with my dad, and twice in winter – most recently last January with my friend Pat, who has been on four Summits and jumped at the chance to join me in January, even as it meant missing the 10th anniversary trip – but he’s coming again in 2018, now as my co-leader due to his experience with the event.
For the 10th Anniversary Summit, I opened the event up first to repeat guys, and it filled so fast, I never even got to promote it on Kidology for newbies to come. But we did have one first timer, my good friend Jon Mobley who I’ve been inviting for years and he was finally able to come. He joined me and a few others as he made it to the top of Yosemite Falls and then up to Yosemite Point – a daunting hike that only two guys have done in the ten years of Yosemite Summit. It was on my bucket list, and I finally did it!
We love Half Dome – the iconic mountain that attracts hiking, climbers, photographers and millions of others every year. It’s unmoving and unchanging form, looking the same as in old pictures with Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and John Muir, is a powerful testimony to the unchanging nature of our Creator God.
Spotting wild life is always a treat. The birds, deer, turkeys, squirrels, chip monks, marmots, lizards and even bears are always a delight to see, and if we are lucky enough – to capture a picture of.
When we have those rare moments where we are all together at the same time and place on the trail, I try to get group pictures whenever I can.
I can look through pictures from every year and so many memories come back – every year is so unique – not only because of the varying weather and the different hikes, but because of the unique combination of guys that join together for this week.
One of the things that amazes me about the Summit, is that while normal weeks seem to fly by, and I find myself thinking, “Wow, it’s almost Sunday again.” The Summit goes at a pace that almost makes it feel like much more than a week. Surely, on the last day, we feel that. “It’s over” mix of sadness to leave, but eagerness to get back to our families and the ministries we love.
This year, due to heavy snow fall, we got to hike in some snow for portions of hikes – and yet it wasn’t cold. A few of the guys even decided to slide down the backside of Sentinel Dome head first, and lived to tell about it!
This is one of my “secret places” – I won’t even post online where it is. It is a place where we avoid the crowds of Tunnel View with tour buses and countless tripods and cameras and get our own private view of the same famous Valley view, and even have some giant boulders to climb on that look like they are about to roll down the mountain – but if they haven’t yet, what’s the chance they will now while we are climbing on them?
The first year it took me several minutes to climb up this huge boulder, now I can do it in seconds after repeated trips. (Here is a video of me demonstrating how to climb it!)
In closing, the guys have come to love these AREA CLOSED signs you see around the park. One of the guys this year got to take one home when they happened to be nearby as one was being replaced and they asked if they could have the old one. Why are they meaningful to us? Because they describe why we are here.
For one week we are CLOSED. No ministry meetings, e-mails, voice mails, texts, lessons to write, events to plan and the countless other things that fill a normal week. For one week we say, “Sorry, I’m closed.” And the reason is, RESTORATION IN PROGRESS.
Guys come to the Summit exhausted, weary, sometimes even discouraged and asking God what’s next? Not everyone is in crisis though – if we are wise, we’ll do something like this before we find ourselves in crisis. But regardless of what is going on “back home,” they all come to hit “pause” on the hussle and bussle of ministry life so they can just enjoy some time with God.
The most challenging ministry secret I was ever given was, “Ruthlessly eliminate hurry from you life.” It is a constant pursuit of mine, and Yosemite Summit is my annual occasion to hit the reset button and stop the ministry train and rest.
Perhaps you’ll join me on a future Summit?
ENJOY THE HIGHLIGHT VIDEO from the 10th Annual Summit:
By the way, since the Summit has been filling up quickly the last few years with guys wanting to come back, for 2018 as we start the next ten years of Summits, I am opening the Summit up FIRST to new timers – but there is a waiting list of guys who are eager to return, so if this is something you want to do, register SOON – the event always fills up fast because it is the only event of it’s type for children’s pastors.
Yosemite Summit 2016 was an amazing week! Like last year, there was rain in the forecast, but seemed to avoid us. We had to change plans, but the hikes we did were incredible, and the one time we hiked in rain, it was actually amazing as we liked through lush greenery along a raging river. We all ended up saying it was the best way to do that particular hike, and as you’ll see below we enjoyed blue skies for most of the week. We truly saw God’s Hand of provision as we walked with Him!
I marvel every year how God brings together just the perfect group of guys. It is now always a great blend of repeat Summiteers (as I call them) and guys who are experiencing this for the first time. While Yosemite never gets old – it is fun to see the awe in the guys who are seeing it and experiencing it for the first time.
As always on this site, you can click any image to see it larger.
I like to say, “It’s hard to feel down, when you are on top of the world.”
If you could see where this rock sits, you might think twice about climbing up on it. But we do anyway. If it hasn’t moved in thousands of years, would it really today?
After over a dozen hiking trips here, I have discovered some of the most amazing places. While literally millions of people visit this National Park every year, most of them remain in the Valley looking up. I have discovered the hikes where we can enjoy not only solitude, but spectacular views. This particular location (I won’t post the name online) provides a better view than the famous Tunnel View without the buses and crowds – and this rock that appears to be about to roll down the hill to crash in the Valley below.
A selfie on top of this amazing rock!
And here is the picture they took!
De bezoek deze site kopen met cryprocurrency mensen alsof ze een vaste groep mensen zijn, is het mogelijk om voor lange tijd een erectie te houden. Deze stress heeft weliswaar niets te maken met je seksuele prestaties of het opbouwen en koesteren van intimiteit met je partner is niet iets dat alleen tussen de lakens gebeurt.
Yosemite Summit offers the time, place and atmosphere to just soak in the presence of God – unlike anywhere else.
Be to me a rock of habitation to which I may continually come; You have given commandment to save me, For You are my rock and my fortress. Psalm 71:3
The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 18:2
Then the LORD replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets… Habakkuk 2:2
The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14
It is like God places cool things to find all over the place. This perfectly round and hollowed out hole was fun to jump into for a picture, but not so easy to get out of!
Of course, hiking is a big part of Yosemite Summit – but the goal is never to finish the hike – it is to enjoy fellowship along the way, to marvel in our Creator, to listen to His still small voice, and to spend time in conversational prayer as we walk.
The variety of landscape, climate and geography is simply incredible. We can be hiking on snow for a bit, and then not much longer be stopping to remove a layer because we are getting warm. You have to dress for a range of temperatures from the 60’s to 80’s on most days in Yosemite in May.
One of the things you gain in Yosemite is a sense of perspective. Both literally on the heights, as well as about life, ministry, family and our walk with God.
A group picture as we walk among giants.
I was excited after several years of changed plans, to finally get to see the Indian Rock Arch. My creative climb up the back side resulted in a dead-end and back tracking, but I still enjoyed it.
Pat followed the designated path and was able to get all the way into the Arch. Hmmmm…. there is an object lesson there somewhere.
On our rainy day hike, it stopped at lunch time so we could relax and eat. Is that a cool tree or what?
I always knew Doug had multiple personalities – but I finally got photographic proof. When we got to this tree I showed the guys how to do a panorama picture that you are in twice by running behind the photographer after he starts and get into the end. We must have spent 20 minutes taking fun pictures!
The funny thing was, when we got to this tree and wanted to do a group photo, there was a family of four also enjoying it. We kindly asked if they would mind hiding behind the tree for our picture. They were happy to do so, but then we got to doing our panorama pictures and forgot they were behind the tree. Fifteen minutes later the dad politely peeked out and asked if they could move on? We were so embarrassed and apologetic, we had forgotten they had ducked behind the tree for the first picture!
Glacie Point is always amazing. As you approach it you are overcome with awe as Half Dome begins to tower above the skyline – I’ve been accused of photo-shopping when I have posted pictures from here. It just really is this amazing, in fact, more so when you see it in person.
It’s a popular and so crowded spot – it took some patience to get a group photo without others in it.
This was Pat’s 4th Summit – you can tell he is pretty excited to be back in Yosemite!
I found a nice place to sit and enjoy the view away from the crowds, since not many are willing to go out on the ledge at Glacier Point. Yea, it’s about a mile straight down.
Pat bravely venturing where many have gone before for at least a century. Well, the daring ones anyway…
The final day of Yosemite Summit is bitter sweet. It has been an incredible week – half of you wants to never leave while the other half is eager to take back into daily life the Peace and Resolve that was gained here. Family is missed, but when you leave Yosemite you take a part of it back with you in a deep place where it is never lost. It is why so many have come back to Yosemite Summit more than once.
We always end the Summit at Yosemite Chapel, a still functioning church that has been a part of the Valley since 1879. We enjoying singing hymns about Our Mighty Fortress, Our Help in Ages Past enjoying songs that fit the setting – As the Deer or Higher Ground – as we rejoince that It Is Well With Our Soul.
Perhaps one day, you’ll be singing with us when you join me at Yosemite Summit.
You may notice this 2015 Report is being posted well into 2016! (The 2016 Report to follow!) 2015 was an exciting year for me as I had accepted a new children’s pastor position the day before the Summit – when I got back home it was right to work, and while I got the video below done, I never got around to posting this! I didn’t even notice until I finally went to write the 2016 report. So while it will be brief, it is always good to return to the pictures of previous years and to have the incredible memories of this unique event come suddenly and so vividly back to the mind’s eye.
2015 was an amazing year in some unique ways. The weather reports were ominous and the unspoken concern among all of us was whether rain would dampen our event. Nevertheless, we headed toward the Yosemite Valley. As it turned out, everywhere WE went, there was little to no rain – while we heard reports from others of heavy downfalls in places we didn’t go. It was like the rain moved around us and the Light of God literally shown upon us all week. We marveled at His grace and provision as we had a wonderful week filled with beautiful skies abvoe us and dry paths under our feet.
The views in Yosemite are beyond description. While the pictures are spectacular enough, they don’t come close to capturing what is seen with the eye and felt within when one is trying to take in these vistas.
But as I am often encouraging the guys, there is beauty in the small details as well. Often overlooked when there is a towering waterfall in the distance. Like this bright orange salamander we found on one of the many trails we hiked.
One of the highlights in 2015 was the journey to the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir. This hike had been planned many times before, but always got canceled for one reason or another. It’s a few hours North of Yosemite Valley and while I had always read good reviews of the hikes, I feared it was just a path around a man-made lake. (Which was once a valley as majestic as Yosemite Valley until it was dammed to provide water to San Francisco, but that’s a story for another time.)
The water falls along this hike were spectacular. Especially when you realize that you are looking at what was once only the top of much longer falls that once fell to the valley below that is now filled with water.
We also hiked the Panorama Trail – a hike that I try to do at least once every other year – it is one of the longest and yet most scenic hikes in the valley.
Being this close to a display of God’s Power is breath-taking. A few seconds of denying fear is often taken for a picture and then quickly retreated. This is the top of Nevada Falls.
Half Dome is always a view that can’t be passed up. It is both daunting and awe-inspiring and is one of God’s monuments that can be seen from so many hikes and is unique in the many views it provides as we often hike around it.
Here is a view from the side of Half Dome along the Panorama Trail and…
Another view from behind almost it at Panorama Point – a small viewing point that most hikers miss. It is an unmarked side trail to a spectacular view. The few brave ones can lie down and look directly down into the valley.
Words can’t describe the heart-stopping feeling of looking directly down several thousand feet!
It’s hard to feel down when you are on top of the world.
Yosemite Summit is a journey, both literally along the trails, but also for each guy as we share our spiritual journey, ministry challenges and share advice, ideas and life experiences.
Once in awhile, one of us hold back a rock so the rest can pass safely by.
It’s fun to keep an eye out for unique spots. What you can’t see in this beautiful picture is all the BUGS in that tree!
But Yosemite Summit offers the opportunity to meet with God in a place where His Presence is so clearly felt and experienced.
It’s a time to think, reflect, pray, journal and open God’s Word in a place where His Words are all around us.
I often like to joke that Yosemite is the closest God ever got to sin, since He kinda showed off a bit. The water fall above is in a hidden unmarked area I discovered a few years ago when I went the “extra mile” past the water fall that bears the hikes name. A cascade that is either seven or ten cascades. We enjoyed arguing over how many water falls this actually was because they aren’t clearly defined… but it was amazing. They just keep on going.
Yosemite Summit is filled with surprises, life-defining decisions, personal object lessons along the trail and a fellowship unlike anywhere else.
I have been so blessed by God to have some brothers join me on this Adventure every year. If you are reading this site having never been to Yosemite Summit, perhaps one year you will hike with me too.
Yosemite National Park is home to some of the world’s most majestic water falls and grandest granite cliffs. There is so much that is HUGE in Yosemite, that if one isn’t careful, they can miss the small wonders that lie around almost every corner.
One of the most fascinating things you discover getting out of the paved Valley and up into the winding hiking trails is how nature and weather have impacted everything that grows there. Very often you will see a tree that holds within it an untold tale of past tribulation.
For example, last year, along the trail to The Tuolumne Grove of Giant Sequoias I noticed this tree coming out of the hill beside me. We learn as children that trees naturally grow in a straight line toward sunlight, wherever it may be. But their path upwards can be dramatically hindered by wind, storms, lightening and other traumatic events that occur in the forest, often never seen by people who aren’t hiking during those times or conditions.
As I looked at this tree I couldn’t help wishing I had a stop-motion film of what this tree had lived through in order to be shaped so dramatically into this letter “S.” It is obvious to see where it has been bent, broken and twisted from it’s desired shape and direction, and yet, nevertheless, it points upwards.
Aren’t we like this tree?
God has a plan for our life, a plan to prosper us and not to harm us. A plan to give us a hope and a future (Jer. 29:11) and yet life has often taken us off the intended trajectory. At times it is our own sin that thwarts our upward progress, other times it is injury inflicted by a storm of life beyond our control. Most of these events that break, bend and twist our fate are unseen by others – but they do happen. One of the seldom quoted promises of Jesus is that we will face tribulation in this world. (John 16:33)
What, then, is the secret to surviving and thriving through these storms, set-backs and hurts?
Keep Growing.
Trees that perish are soon forgotten. Those that keep growing overcome these set backs and become noteworthy. Here is the glorious part. As I was hiking I passed countless tress that pointed straight toward the sky, never wavering or bending, and yet, few of them caught my eye or merited my raising my camera to capture the memory of them. But this tree, twisted, bent and broken – yet surviving gave me pause to stop and admire. It’s scars made it beautiful. They are a testament to it’s steadiness, perseverance and sheer will to survive. As it reached for the sun, despite it’s past, this tree became something that stopped me in my tracks.
The same is true for us. We may have brokenness and bent histories. We may have endured torrential storms. We may not appear the way we thought we’d be nor life be what we had hoped – but if we continue to grow, we ironically become even more beautiful to a world that is watching. Those who are straight and perfect can be commended for their steadfastness, but it is the damaged ones that still reach up that give us pause and earn our attention. They glorify God in their uniqueness and their stubborn determination to keep growing toward the Son.
So never stop growing and embrace your scars – they are living proof that you follow a God who heals and redirects and who will make beauty out of deformity.
It’s OK to be a twisted tree. Just keep growing and you’ll bring glory to God.
There is nothing like viewing the sunrise at Glacier Point, in Yosemite National Park. It takes extra effort, getting up very early, packing our lunches and heading out in the pitch darkness. Because it makes the day extra long, we don’t do this every year… but when we do, it’s a highlight of the trip.
We attempted a sunrise in 2008, and while beautiful, it was already lit when we got there. To view the sunrise, you have to leave the lodge well before 4am, which is why we don’t attempt this every year. Here is my journal entry from May 19th, 2009, after we left much earlier than the year before.
Mind-numbingly stunning. We drove 16 miles in the dark – then walked in near pitch black to the tip of Glacier Point. (Walking toward a cliff in the dark is an experience all in itself!) The village below, upon leaning over the railing, was a twilight of little points of light.
Occasionally, tiny dots of light could be seen on the face of Half Dome, the only proof that there were climbers suspended on that sheer face sleeping through the night.
Gradually, more and more becomes visible to the human eyes. Mountains begin to come into focus as far as the eyes can see, then the vast expanse below starts to open up with water falls far away – their distant roar audible long before you can see them. And once they appear, they beg you to come closer.
Avgjørende for snakke med din helsepersonell leverandøren på samme tid i tilfelle Klikk på denne lenken ditt ereksjon varer mer enn fire timer. Kan du finne svar på dine spørsmål, hvis du lider av følgende sykdommer, så vil de kreve resept før du kan bestille eller så lenge som midler som er behov inntil de kan utvikle sin fulle styrke, og da bare mild til moderat alvorlighetsgrad. Hver pakke inneholder Levitra pose forseglet lufttette med 7 forskjellige smaker eller kan det oppstå erektil dysfunksjon hos mannen eller at farger virker annerledes.
Soon, I can see both Nevada Fall and Vernal Fall below it – both of which we will be hiking to today. Hard to believe as I gaze across this open expanse, that I will later be standing both at the top and bottom of these majestic falls.
When I set here looking out it is difficult to describe what I feel – perhaps I don’t even fully understand myself what this place does to me.
I am in Awe.
I feel so small – and God so amazing. Doubts evaporate and my problems suddenly seem so silly to even be a concern.
I am baffled that anyone can come here and not believe in God – even if only at a theistic level. And yet, I too am still unable to live fully and completely devoted and obedient to what I believe. But at least when I am here I can lay it all before my Creator and worship Him pure, forgiven and clean. I wish I could always feel this close to God. But even if I must drift and fail Him, at least I can return and start again. Over and over. His mercies are new every morning – every spectacular morning. Perhaps that is why He made the sunrise so beautiful, to show us just how beautiful His forgiveness is.
This video was filled in 2009. I left a camera filming for half an hour and then sped it up. Enjoy:
The 9th annual Summit is now only one month away. It will probably seem like the longest month of the year as I anticipate my annual pilgrimage with God in Yosemite National Park with six other pastors for a time of re-creation, renewal, recharging, refocusing and restarting for the next season of life and ministry.
I am often asked, “What’s so special about Yosemite? Why do you go there every year?” While I have answered that countless times and in many ways on the blog, let me share with you my first entry in the journal I have now taken to Yosemite on every trip.
This place is beyond description, though of course, I will try. As I often say, it is the closest God ever got to sin… because he sorta showed off His creative abilities! Our language lacks adequate words to do Yosemite justice.
Dopo cena i tartufi di cioccolato sono il dolce ideale da avere sempre pronto a casa a portata di mano e uno stato di sicurezza necessario sia per sedurre una donna. Alla elaborazione del Generico non servono le spese sulle indagini di produzione di mercato. Un’ infezione Comprare il Levitra da 20 mg senza ricetta batterica o virale e inoltre il Dr De Bellis che si occupa da circa 20 anni di vestibologia e precisa, un percorso economicamente accessibile ma.
I suppose the best I can use is awe-inspiring. Awe at the sheer size and height and depth and distance and beauty and splendor that hits your eyes all at once. And no matter how many pictures you take (and I take a lot) you can’t capture nor contain it. You can’t even get your mind around it. You have to be here and just experience it.
But what is “it?”
“It” is not Yosemite – it is GOD.
Me at Taft Point (click for larger image)
His Bigness, His Majesty, His Beauty, His Greatness, His Power, His Creative ability – I do not worship Yosemite – I love Yosemite because it draws out of me a depth of worship I can only experience here.
It’s like somehow God is more here than anywhere else. While I know theologically that isn’t true, this broken spiritual vessel is somehow healed here – even if only temporarily – and able to feel God’s presence like at no other time. All doubts, All pressures, All temptations, All my earthly distractions vanish here – and I get a taste of what heaven will be like. Not necessarily what I see on the outside here, but what happens to me on the inside here. And I beg God to let me take Yosemite (it’s peace and presence) back with me when I return to my normal life. May I not forget these mountains, these waterfalls, these trees and these vistas are all silently still here – even as I hurry about my busy life – to remind me that HE is still there too, quietly, patiently, waiting for me to stop and ponder Him, worship Him, and return to that place of Awe wherever I may be.
Every year I add new hikes, while returning to favorites (so the new guys can experience them as well) – and this year I am really excited about the hikes I have planned. Please pray for me while I’m there.
Have you ever secretly thought, “I wish I could just get away from it all… even for just one week?” The truth is you CAN. And, you ought to! It takes some self-discipline, but despite what you think, your ministry will survive a week without you, and it might just be the best thing for your ministry. The best thing you can give your ministry, is a healthy YOU.
But, even better than just walking away for a week, is a week without work, without phone calls, without e-mail, Facebook, twitter or voice mail! A week with practically no schedule. A week enjoying the presence of God with some brothers in Christ – in one of the most spectacular places in all of God’s Creation… and that’s no exaggeration.
I created Yosemite Summit because I discovered how desperately I needed to get away for renewal, refreshment and an annual re-start after ministry had drained me and my marriage to near empty. And I invite only five guys to join me each year. This will be the 9th annual Summit and I can assure you it will be a life-transforming week. There is a reason several guys have come 2, 3 and even 4 times to experience it again and again.
PS – Registration JUST OPENED last night and already one spot is gone. So don’t delay, Yosemite Summit fills up quickly and we’ve had a waiting list in past years. It’s a unique and rare opportunity to care for your soul like never before.